hiroki saitoh
The album Topophilia, representing a deep bond with a particular location, embodies a strong sense of place. This notion of topophilia can be defined as 'a deep affinity with the places'.
Each of the 13 songs on the album draws inspiration from both rural and urban areas, and memories of landscapes. The melodies in these tracks are a reflection of personal memories and emotions associated with specific places, taking you on an emotional journey.
The journey begins with the tranquil and poetic pieces 'Topophilia' and 'Nocturne', leading into the passionate and vibrant 'Eclosion'.
Through delicate touch and captivating performances, 'Topophilia' takes you on a journey that transcends time and space, evoking unforgettable memories. Through his masterful use of the delicate piano, the composer, Hiroki Saitoh, has skillfully combined moving melodies and lush harmonies.
By diving into one's own sentiments and narratives, it connects with your emotions. 'Topophilia' is a journey. Discover the profound bond between music and place.
This album evokes deep emotions and heartwarming feelings, appealing not only to piano lovers but to all who treasure memorable locations. The music created by Hiroki Saitoh enriches our understanding and appreciation of the diverse places in our world.
Music |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Recording & Mastering |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Production |
Soundscape Design Lab |
Design |
Koyuki Inagaki |
Artwork photo |
Koyuki Inagaki |
Improvisations II - diary Vol.2
hiroki saitoh
音楽家の斉藤尋己は日々の記録としてピアノによる即興曲などのを2012年から2015年にかけて音声ファイル共有サービス(SoundCloud)にてpiano diaryとして日々共有してきました。
その200曲ほどある楽曲群の中から18曲を再編集しアルバム「Improvisations Ⅱ - diary 」の第2巻としてリリースいたします。
From 2012 to 2015, musician Hiroki Saitoh shared improvised piano pieces via SoundCloud, under the title of "piano diary".
Some of these works were used in adverts such as TV commercials as well as in a film and a theatre production.
Among around 200 tracks of "piano diary", 18 pieces were selected, re-edited and released as an album, "Improvisations II - diary, Vol.2".
Music |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Recording & Mastering |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Production |
Soundscape Design Lab |
Design |
Koyuki Inagaki |
Artwork photo |
Ooki Jingu |
Improvisations II - diary Vol.1
hiroki saitoh
音楽家の斉藤尋己は日々の記録としてピアノによる即興曲などのを2012年から2015年にかけて音声ファイル共有サービス(SoundCloud)にてpiano diaryとして日々共有してきました。
その200曲ほどある楽曲群の中から17曲を再編集しアルバム「Improvisations Ⅱ - diary 」の第1巻としてリリースいたします。
From 2012 to 2015, musician Hiroki Saitoh shared improvised piano pieces via SoundCloud, under the title of "piano diary".
Some of these works were used in adverts such as TV commercials as well as in a film and a theatre production.
Among around 200 tracks of "piano diary", 17 pieces were selected, re-edited and released as an album, "Improvisations II - diary, Vol.1".
Music |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Recording & Mastering |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Production |
Soundscape Design Lab |
Design |
Koyuki Inagaki |
Artwork photo |
Sai |
Coffee and Guitar
hiroki saitoh
中目黒にあるartless craft tea & coffeeの為に制作された曲などを再構成し、どの曲もアコースティクギターのオーバーダビングが多用され、その音色の重なりはとても心地よく、ラテンを感じる軽快なリズムはコーヒーの香りと良く合うアルバムとなっている。
With the theme “coffee and guitar”, the album features classical guitar, an instrument that ignited Hiroki Saitoh’s career, as the main instrument. The tracks include re-composition of the pieces composed for “artless craft tea & coffee” in Nakameguro. The comfortably layered sounds are from over dubbing the sounds of acoustic guitar, whose rhythms remind of those from Latin origin, complementing the scents of coffee.
Music |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Mixing |
Satoshi Ikkatai |
Mastering |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Production |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Artwork photo |
yuu kawakami, artless Inc. |
Special thanks |
shun kawakami, hiroko yamamoto |
Into My Soundscape
hiroki saitoh
[into my soundscape] は、斉藤尋己が訪れたイタリア・オーストリア・チェコ・ポルトガルにてフィールド・レコーディングした“soundscape”とアンサンブルするようにピアノの即興演奏を重ねた作品集です。“soundscape”のレコーディングには、バイノーラルマイクを用いています。 その土地が持つ豊かな音の風景に、ピアノの音像が寄り添い、まるでその場所を旅したような気持ちになれる一枚となっており空間に漂う音の家具のように楽しんで頂けたら嬉しいです。
The album is a collection of impromptu pieces, ensembled with “soundscapes” that were field-recorded by Hiroki from Italy, Austria, Czechia and Portugual. Binaural microphones were used to record the “soundscapes”. Piano notes accompany the rich scenic sounds from the locations, and listening through the album feels like a travel itself. Please enjoy this work as ‘sound furniture’ in the atmosphere.
All musical instruments, field recording |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Direction, mixinging, mastering |
Soundscape Design Lab |
Art direction & design |
shun kawakami & koyuki inagaki, artless Inc. |
Project management |
asami kinoshita, artless Inc. |
Translation |
Ai Enomoto |
Thanks |
My family |
斉藤尋己による架空の惑星のパーティーミュージックをテーマに創作を続けるエレクトロニックプロジェクト。映像音楽プロデュースを数多く手がける音楽プロダクションBishop Musicの藤原太郎プロデュースにより、2015年2月アルバム”QUKO”にてデビュー。今回のアルバムの収録曲は5曲で、エレクトロな表現の中に民族的な郷愁を感じる”Sirius”、都会的な印象でありながらQUKOならではのグルーヴ打出した”Castor”、ドラマチックで情緒豊かなストーリーで魅せるDubstep”Altair”、うってかわって静寂を纏い神聖な空気を醸し出すピアノ曲”Hadar”中でもMassive Attackの名曲”Teardrop”のQUKOカバーバージョンは、ヴォーカリストにEmi Evansを迎えている。
An electronic project by Hiroki Saitoh, created as party music on an imaginary planet. Produced by Taro Fujiwara from Bishop Music, a music creative production company with experiences on music for motion pictures, the project debuted with album “QUKO” in February 2015. The album consists of 5 tracks, including; “Sirius”, a piece of electronic expressions with ethnicity and nostalgia; “Castor”, a comfortable combination of urbanity and groove; “Altair”, a dramatic, emotional and storyful dubstep; “Hadar”, a tranquil pieano piece with sacred atmosphere; “Teardrop”, a cover of Massive Attack with Emi Evans as a guest vocal.
All songwriting |
QUKO (Except for #5 by Massive Attack, rearranged by QUKO) |
#2 Trumpet & Flute |
Yusuke Shima |
#5 Vocal |
Emi Evans |
Mixing |
Masahiro Kurusu |
Mastering |
Ryan Smith (Staring Sound) |
Production |
QUKO, Taro Fujiwara |
Executive Producer |
Taromix |
Art Direction |
Photography |
Sai |
Styling |
In Between Creations
hiroki saitoh
斉藤尋己の音楽は有機的なものを無機質に使ったり、無機的なものを有機的に紡いだり自然やインダストリアルなもの両方に憧れがあり、その間を揺れ動いてる。アルバムタイトルの"In Between Creations"とは"creations"ふたつの創造物(人間が作ったものと、神が作ったもの=自然)の意味を一語に含めたものの狭間で揺れ動く音楽性を表現したものである。
Hiroki Saitoh’s music tends to incorporate organic elements inorganically, and vice versa, exploring the sound in between organic and inorganic expressions with admirations for both. The title “In Between Creations” is titled to express such music tendency, with the word “creations” meaning both artificial creations and the nature’s creations.
Music |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Mixing & Mastering |
Satoshi Ikkatai |
Production |
noriko koizumi |
Design |
jun watanabe |
Photography |
kasai chikashi |
Copywriting |
karen kawabata, ikuo matsumura |
Special thanks |
masaji kinoshita |
hiroki saitoh
”Improvisations"は、フィールド・レコーディングした音風景 "Soundscape" に合わせ即興演奏したシリーズを纏めたものです。斉藤尋己の体験した音風景そこからインスパイアーされ生まれた音達が繰り広げる世界は、斉藤尋己自身の"Soundscape"なのかもしれません。家具のように、日々の生活の中に寄り添える音楽。フィールド・レコーディングとギター、ピアノが奏でるサウンドスケープ。 即興音楽の現在形がここにある。
“Improvisations” is a compilation of impromptu pieces played to accompany field-recorded “soundscapes”. Perhaps the creations inspired by field-recorded scenes are “soundscapes” of Hiroki Saitoh himself. Music that rests in daily moments like furnitures; soundscapes composed from field recordings, guitar and piano; where impromptu music has reached.
All musical instruments, field recording |
Hiroki Saitoh |
Mixing, mastering |
Satoshi Ikkatai |
Production |
Hiroki Saitoh, Taro Fujiwara |
Executive production |
Taromix |
Photography |
sai |
Design |
jun watanabe |